quarta-feira, junho 27, 2007

Consumo anarca

wanna besismos
constructos sociais inúteis.

O encontro da nossa identidade (sim, porque a temos livre de tudo isto) passa pelo aniquilar de apegos morais a todas estas retenções sociais, que nos cegam a nossa individualidade e nos prendem a criatividade.
Utopia é achar que se consegue sentir a liberdade de viver sem que haja este desapego e limpeza moral.
Ser único é inevitável. Nós somos únicos de facto.
Procurar essa nossa essência é um processo maravilhoso..
Viva a liberdade de Ser.

segunda-feira, junho 25, 2007

Crescer? Sim, claro.

Adoro mesmo este país.
Somos retrógados nos valores, nas ideias, na religião, na política, na educação e formação.
Mas temos a simplicidade de uma criança.
Uma criança sempre disposta a brincar, a fazer a festa e a dar opiniões inoportunas e desajustadas, mas sentidas.
Uma criança que teme pela sua pequenez mas que se mostra forte diante os demais - reacção contra-fóbica pouco eficaz, mas a possível.
Adoro mesmo este país (sem mácula de ironia).
E aproveito aqui para apelar ao instinto de evolução que nos é inato. Por favor, não paremos de crescer!

terça-feira, junho 12, 2007

Ruminância cobarde

Há pessoas que têm o dom de me provocar uma irritação crónica nas entranhas..
Arre gaita!

sábado, junho 02, 2007


I wanna be better than oxygen
So you can breathe when you're drowning and weak in
the knees
I wanna speak louder than Ritalin
For all the children who think that they've got a
I wanna be cooler than t.v.
For all the kids that are wondering what they are
going to be
We can be stronger than bombs
If you're singing along and you know that you really
We can be richer than industry
As long as we know that there's things that we don't
really need
We can speak louder than ignorance
Cause we speak in silence every time our eyes meet.
On and on, and on, and on it goes
The world it just keeps spinning
Until i'm dizzy, time to breathe
So close my eyes and start again anew.
I wanna see through all the lies of society
To the reality, happiness is at stake
I wanna hold up my head with dignity
Proud of a life where to give means more than to take
I wan't to live beyond the modern mentality
Where paper is all that you're really taught to
Do you remember the forgotten America?
Justice, equality, freedom to every race?
Just need to get past all the lies and hypocrisy
Make up and hair to the truth behind every face
That look around to all the people you see,
How many of them are happy and free?
I know it sounds like a dream
But it's the only thing that can get me to sleep at
I know it's hard to believe
But it's easy to see that something here isn't right
I know the future looks dark
But it's there that the kids of today must carry the
On and on, and on, and on it goes
The world it just keeps spinning
Until i'm dizzy, time to breathe
So close my eyes and start again anew.
If i'm afraid to catch a dream
I weave your baskets and i'll float them down the
river stream
Each one i weave with words i speak to carry love to
your relief.
I wanna be better than oxygen
So you can breathe when you're drowning and weak in
the knees
I wanna speak louder than Ritalin
For all the children who think that they've got a
I wanna be cooler than t.v.
For all the kids that are wondering what they are
going to be
We can be stronger than bombs
If you're singing along and you know that you really
We can be richer than industry
As long as we know that there's things that we don't
really need
We can speak louder than ignorance
Cause we speak in silence every time our eyes meet.
On and on, and on, and on it goes
The world it just keeps spinning
Until i'm dizzy, time to breathe
So close my eyes and start again anew

Willy Mason
A leveza de Ser equivale ao peso da consciência..